cyber attacks

Tobias Feakin

Ambassador for Cyber Affairs In his opening address, Ambassador Feakin provided deep insights into how Australia is dedicating significant funding towards enhanced cybersecurity and how Covid19 has rapidly accelerated business digitalisation, bringing enhanced cybersecurity risks due to immediate implementation needs. The challenge in Australia relates to both how fast cyber-attacks can be detected and how

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Yigal Unna

Director General at Israel National Cyber Directorate  Mr Unna opened to outline the Israel National Cyber Directorate, directed still by a 2012 Cybersecurity Strategy, with a three pillar focus on protecting access to systems and reducing the attack surface, and more broadly ensuring the strategy is applied across the ICT domain and telecommunications.  Webinar AUSTRALIA

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An Insider View into the Increasingly Complex Kingminer Botnet

Sophos has released new research about the use of servers in carrying out attacks; “An Insider View into the Increasingly Complex Kingminer Botnet”. The Kingminer botnet attempts to gain server access by brute-forcing login credentials, and Sophos now finds that it’s using the infamous EternalBlue exploit in an attempt to spread malware among other attack

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Executive Guide to the 2020 Global Threat Intelligence Report

Foreword As the world unites and draws on all available resources to contain the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, unfortunately, there will be those who’ll try to take advantage of the crisis for nefarious purposes. As organizations continue to drive business practices through digital transformation, the challenges they face evolve as well. Cybercriminals are among this

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Monthly Threat Report – Special edition: April 2020

Protecting the Remote Worker Lead Analyst: Jon Heimerl — CISSP, Sr. Manager, Global Threat Intelligence Center Telecommuting. Virtual workplace. Teleworking. Working remotely. E-working. Regardless of what we call it, the purpose is to enable employees to function effectively from remote locations. In the current climate of the coronavirus pandemic, many organizations have already implemented a

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The 2020 State of Password and Authentication Security Behaviors Report

Cyber threats and attacks on individual users and organizations have not diminished. Phishing scams, stolen credentials, and account takeovers continue to rise, making it imperative for businesses to have policies and practices in place to reduce the risks created by poor password and authentication behaviors. What is perhaps more important is that the security policies

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