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Maritime Domain Awareness Series – Securing our seas: Innovations and challenges

Tech & Sec Weekly


This session focused on gaining insights in the latest developments and capabilities for establishing and maintaining situational awareness across the maritime domain, with a focus on security, sustainability and space-earth observation.

For Reference to the Maritime Domain and related activities – welcome to refer to the following links:…


  • Future of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)
  • Imagery utilization and availability (TPED) / configuration
  • On board processing for tip/cue scenarios
  • Algorithmic considerations for efficient ship detections (optical and SAR)
  • Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) missions – Australia – NZ

Thomas Southall, Committee Manager

Thomas is Committee Manager for the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation (IALA) directing the technical output aligning deliverables with the organization’s Strategic Vision and Committee Work Programme.

He is also a Trustee and Fellow of the Royal institute of Navigation awarded to him in recognition for his contribution to improved Vessel Traffic Services practice, training and development of policy at national and international levels. He has recently been admitted into the Fraternity of the United Kingdom’s Trinity House as Younger Brother in recognition of his experience and achievements.

He was representative for the International Harbour Masters Association to IALA where he served as participant and Chair of the VTS Operations Working Group. In this role and as IALA Technical Officer, he made significant contribution to the adoption of the new IMO Resolution on VTS.

Before joining IALA, Tom worked for the Australian Maritime Safety Authority as a maritime advisor. Previously, he oversaw the Port of London Authorities’ VTS and led a commercial training organization. Tom served as a Navigational Officer in the Merchant Navy.

Dr Carl Seubert, Chief Research Officer

Dr Carl Seubert joined SmartSat in May 2021, after nine years NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) as a Senior Aerospace Engineer. After graduating First Class Honours in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Sydney, Dr Seubert completed a Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology (USA) and a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder (USA).

As NASA JPL’s Manager of Formation Control Testbed and Guidance and Control Engineer, Dr Seubert led research and technology development for spacecraft formation flight, future Earth observation missions and precise planetary landing. This includes designing the spacecraft pointing control algorithms and software for the upcoming Europa Clipper mission and the next Mars lander mission.

Kevin Jones, CTO & VP Product

Kevin has a background in remote sensing applications, and began his career working on the RADARSAT-1 mission in Canada. Throughout his career, he has developed and delivered earth observation based solutions to clients globally spanning many applications areas. With the advent of AIS data, Kevin managed the implementation of near real time ship detect service that fused / correlated detections with known ship positions. At CATALYST, we are working to make the deep & rich algorithm stack available for efficient processing of earth observation imagery to enable innovative data as a service solutions for several application areas.

Rachid Nedjar, Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer

Rachid NEDJAR is the Head of Marketing at Unseenlabs. In this role, he focuses on developing tailored content and solutions to Unseenlabs customers involved in maritime security. Prior to joining Unseenlabs, Rachid had been working for Le Poool, giving support and consulting to early stage technological companies or in the process of growth.

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