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Unfinished Business – Xi’s obsession with Taiwan

Tech & Sec Weekly


The fourteenth issue of Australian Foreign Affairs examines the rising tensions over the future of Taiwan, as China’s pursuit of “unification” pits it against the United States and US allies such as Australia. The Taiwan Choice looks at the growing risk of a catastrophic war and the outlook for Australia as it faces a strategic choice that could reshape its future in Asia.

Published on 21 February, Issue 14 examines the rising tensions over the future of Taiwan and Linda Jakobson, Deputy Chair of China Matters, discusses the China Dream of unification with Taiwan and offers an avenue to achieve a Greater Chinese Union.

Linda Jakobson has been a student of Chinese politics and the foreign and security policy of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for the past 35 years. She is internationally known for her publications about China’s foreign policy. Her China-related career includes posts as a teacher (at the Shandong Institute of Economics in China), a lecturer (at Hong Kong City University), a foreign correspondent (in Beijing), a visiting professor (at Sydney University), and senior researcher and program director (at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), and the Lowy Institute for International Policy). She has served as a policy advisor on China-related issues to the president, prime minister, or foreign minister in seven countries. In 2017 Jakobson was invited to join the inaugural advisory board of the Diplomatic Academy of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

For a copy visit https://www.australianforeignaffairs…

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