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Online Cyber Security Awareness Training

Vertex Security
NIST Rating:
What is NIST?
Phishing attacks are the most effective way for a Cyber Attacker to gain access to your organisation’s accounts and data. Typically, 1 in 4 people will click through to a phishing link. Protecting your organisation against phishing attacks is key to creating the foundation for a Cyber Resilient culture. People are at the heart of creating Cyber resilience and responsiveness. Lack of Cyber Security training for your employees is a key weakness which Cyber Attackers will look to exploit through phishing, ransomware and other Cyber attacks. Additionally, technology-based protections to block phishing links provide a further defence against Cyber Attacks.

Vertex’s online Cyber Security Awareness Training is delivered through our Core portal.

  • Training covers the key risks facing employees, protective actions they can take and real world examples of the impacts of data breaches and cyber incidents with a TRAINING VIDEO ASSIGNED EACH MONTH
  • Each training video has a quiz which must be passed with a mark of over 80% and completion certificates provided
  • Emails are regularly reviewed for being within Breaches
  • Upload ORGANISATION SPECIFIC POLICIES & PROCEDURES LINKS relevant to each training topic
  • VIEW TRAINING COMPLETION across your organisation, users with overdue training and detailed employee level reporting. Enable monthly summary reports if required
  • Enable TRAINING REMINDERS for all users in your organisation

Example training topics include:

  • Phishing
  • Password Security
  • Workspace Security
  • Reporting Incidents
  • Multi-factor Authentication
  • Business Email Compromise

Having a program of Cyber Security training can also help your organisation to meet regulatory, compliance or insurance-related requirements.

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